The fullest appreciation of the Wildland vision will be a direct consequence of outreach, engagement, dialogue and, above all, the obvious educative opportunities inherent in visiting one’s self these stunning landscapes and the projects we are undertaking across each and everyone of them.
It’s not our job to tell anyone anything, to preach or to proselytise, and neither would we presume to do so. What Wildland can offer, is the opportunity to see conservation happening on the ground, to show that history safe is in our hands and available to all, and an open invitation to observe, to encounter and to share our pride in what we have on our own doorsteps.
Wildland’s focus towards educational outreach will certainly involve schoolchildren visiting our estates and experiencing the breadth of our projects and examples of Scotland’s rich history that comprise the fabric of our holdings. There is a conscious focus towards providing many and varied countless opportunities to experience and learn.
“Come forth into the light of things, let nature be your teacher.”

We will engage with schools in ways that are educational and informative. Within the broader scope of this initiative, we have recently committed to purchasing a minibus for the Farr Associated Schools Group – serving the villages around our North Coast holdings – and are looking forward to seeing it visit the estates and bring young children to experience and be inspired by our work first hand.
Having children understand the fragile ecosystems of the Highlands and begin to appreciate our unique open spaces is what we believe to be the first step in a lifelong love of the land. It will sow the seeds of a deep and ongoing commitment to nature. And through this holistic view, we also intend to work with institutions of higher education to develop research projects and have students work with us, on the ground, to create important new thinking that benefits not just Wildland but the world beyond our own estate borders.
It’s too narrow a view of education that seeks to only engage with children only.
Ensuring that we maintain enlightening and inclusive dialogues with those that live and work in our local communities is equally important. Engagement and appreciation of a shared vested interest can help us establish foundations for not just a sustainable Wildland but also stronger and more attractive communities that people are more likely to stay a part of and return to. Wildland already welcomes visitors from far and wide and our guests gain an education as a simple consequence of time spent on our Wildlands.
Wildland’s perspective is to protect, conserve and sometimes even restore a vision of Scotland that is not just for this generation but for generations to come. Not just within our own estates and for our own enjoyment but for Scotland as a whole. It is for people the world over who we invite to visit and experience our commitment.
An educational programme of the scale and scope alluded to here isn’t something that can be noted down over lunch on the back of a café napkin. It calls for careful consideration, empathy and appreciation of qualified professionals. None of that is daunting, it’s exciting – and over coming years, our commitment to education will continue to evolve and become more and more inclusive. In the meantime, rest assured that we are passionate about the history and the future of these ancient lands. They are safe in our hands.