Celebrating Success in Scotland's 'Tree Oscars'
Photo courtesy of SCOTLAND The Big Picture
Celebrating Success in Scotland's 'Tree Oscars'
Wildland Limited is celebrating success in Scotland’s annual ‘Tree Oscars’, the Scotland’s Finest Wood Awards. Killiehuntly Woodland in the Central Cairngorms was picked by an expert panel of judges for the New Native Woods Award, sponsored by the Woodland Trust Scotland.
This Award is to recognise new native woodland planting where the exemplary use of silvicultural techniques, planning, practice and management is delivering high quality native woods.
Wildland’s founder Anders Holch Povlsen, who was honoured during the ceremony, paid credit to the “big team effort” that led to the win and added: “We very much appreciate this recognition and I’m very proud.”
Thomas MacDonell, our Director of Conservation led the creation of Killiehuntly Woodland. He said it was “absolutely fantastic” to win what he described as “the premier forestry awards”, adding, “This could not have happened without Anders Holch Povlsen, who had the vision and courage to stick by us.”
Wildland’s congratulations go to all the winners at the Scotland’s Finest Wood Awards 2021. The full Roll of Honour can be viewed here.