Developing our WildLand hand sanitiser

Our hand sanitiser in development. Image: Laura Thomas Co.

Our hand sanitiser in development. Image: Laura Thomas Co.

As we prepare to re-open many of our houses on 01 August, our first thought turns to excitement as we welcome old friends and new back to the Highlands.

It might sound a little trite, and perhaps you are right, but this really is what we love to do. Hosting, sharing, laughing, cooking, exploring - these are the things we love about our places to stay.

However, keeping our guests, our team, and our communities safe has been front of our mind. We recognise the challenging times we are all living in, which means being mindful of ways we can work creatively to keep delivering memory making experiences while helping people to stay safe.

By now, we will all have become accustomed to the ritual of sanitising our hands multiple times each day. At WildLand, we revel in celebrating everyday rituals like sharing a meal or exploring nature. So it was perhaps inevitable that we would turn our attention to putting our own distinctive stamp on the new ritual of hand sanitiser.

Working with Scottish soap maker and fellow traveller in harnessing the power of Scotland’s diverse natural larder, Laura Thomas, we have crafted our own blend of hand sanitiser for our guests and our team.

Our new sanitiser uses an array of oils and extracts from foraged Scottish treasures, like witch hazel, to create a blend that kills germs while smelling great and being gentle on our hands. Our sanitiser represents the first release in a new collaboration with Scottish makers that will see WildLand use bespoke Scottish blends in all our toiletries, which we look forward to sharing with you soon.

Discover our places to stay as they open here.

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