Cairngorm Connect Conference


Cairngorms Connect is a partnership of neighbouring landowners and managers within the Cairngorms National Park. In this partnership is the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB), Forestry and Land Scotland, Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) and Wildland Limited. United with a shared vision we have a 200-year plan to enhance habitats, species and ecological processes across an extensive area within the Cairngorms National Park. The Cairngorms Connect area is home to substantial areas of blanket bog, wetland, rivers and lochs, ancient native woodland and delicate high montane plateau. 

On Monday the 16th of September Cairngorms Connect held its first annual conference where many representatives from each organisation involved were present. It was a brilliant opportunity to network and discuss the goals of the project and how we can achieve these to be shared with everyone. There was also the chance for everyone involved from gamekeepers and rangers, scientists, directors, administrators to volunteers, everyone who plays a key role in the day to day running of the organisation, to share and discuss new ideas. It was great to hear opinions from varying perspectives from people who have a wide range of knowledge in different fields.

During the day we were given talks from different people who have a diverse involvement within Cairngorms Connect. David Thomas from the Cambridge Conservation Initiative which manages the Endangered Landscapes Programme gave a talk telling us about the other conservation areas around the globe and how they are comparable to the Cairngorms. It was really inspiring to see other projects at different stages.

We were lucky to have local musician Hamish Napier play us some of his music which he writes with inspiration of the landscape and wildlife around the Cairngorm National Park.

If you would like to find out more about this partnership, please visit 

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