Wildland's Wildlife Tracking

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Wildland Cairngorms is home to several pairs of breeding golden eagles and hen harriers. These protected species are monitored closely every year.

The annual monitoring of these predators is essential to understand how populations are adapting to land use and habitat change. The monitoring of raptors within the Wildland Limited land holding is complimented by the work of the Scottish Raptor Study Groups.

During 2019 Wildland Limited, a partner in the Cairngorms Connect project, fitted a number of tags to golden eagles and hen harriers. Wildland Limited used solar powered GSM tags which transmit data via the mobile phone network. Once the birds fledged in late summer, Wildland Limited have been able to follow the movements of these iconic raptors. Our golden eagles and hen harriers have travelled extensively throughout the Cairngorms National Park and occasionally further afield.

Please use the link below to view an interactive map showing the movements from a selection of our birds; 

Interactive Wildlife Tracking Map

Please note, Wildland Limited, may from time to time, update or remove certain data.

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