Hope Library Banner Competition

Winning banner design by pupil Oliver Charlton to be printed and displayed at Tongue Primary’s Hope Library.

Tongue Primary ‘Hope Library’ Banner Competition

Earlier in the summer, Wildland announced a joint donation of eleven thousand pounds from ourselves and building company 3b Construction, following a request  by the Tongue Primary school teachers for funds to replenish the children’s library. 

The donation directly benefits pupils at Tongue Primary School by unlocking new reading resources and providing a comprehensive new reading scheme.

Following the arrival of the new books, the pupils were engaged in a banner competition to celebrate the opening of the newly named “Hope Library”. 

Wildland was delighted to be asked to select a winner from each year group in P1-6, and also the overall winner,  who’s banner will be printed and used in the library. All winners will receive a prize of a book. 

We are delighted to share our congratulations to all, and we trust that the Hope Library will be put to good use by such a talented group of young people and many more over the years to follow.

Following the pupils’ prize presentation on Friday 19 November, we are pleased to share our competition feedback.

P1 - entries 1-5

Winner No 2 - good use of limited colour palette. The pink and green look happily spring like and the title is very clear.

P2 - entries 6-8

Winner No 8 - effective use of shape and contrasting colours, the title of the library is clearly visible.

P3 - entries 9-11

Winner No 9 - Clearly shows people using the library and reading the books, the rainbow shape creates an effective visual flow. The blue and orange are lovely contrasting colours. 

P4 - entries 12-14

Winner No 12 - a variety of colours create a cheerful piece and the little person enjoying the books looks very happy.

P5 - entries 15 - 17 and P6 - entries 18 & 19

No 16 - very considered and pleasing layout and an effective variety of colour and shape throughout.

No 18 - good use of symmetry and composition is well thought out. Lovely use of colour, very striking.

No 19 - simple but effective. The text is clear and the lovely blend of colours throughout is visually very striking.

Winner in this set is No 19

CommunityAnna Wood