One Epic Flight

These are strange times for many of us. We are rightly following government guidelines to stay at home and stay safe - but for one of WildLand Cairngorm’s golden eagles, ‘home’ is a very loose term indeed.


This particularly adventurous golden eagle was tagged in the Cairngorms last Summer and, after fledging, she travelled widely within the National Park and Monadhliath Mountains.

The eagle had been displaying fairly typical patterns of behaviour, sticking to her patch in the Cairngorms when suddenly, in late March, she embarked on an altogether more ambitious journey. Her destination? Highland Perthshire.

After traveling 109km she roosted overnight near Loch Lyon, waking early from her roost and continuing on her flight the next morning. She ventured through the heart of Loch Lomond and The Trossachs National Park before heading west across Loch Fyne.

She didn’t seem to hesitate on seeing the coast for the first time and continued across to the Isle of Jura. She eventually settled for the night in the hills of Islay after covering a staggering 176km. The next morning, WildLand’s conservation team watched in anticipation as she explored the Isle of Islay before flying north over Jura and then on to the Isle of Mull. After flying around Mull, she crossed on to the Ardgour Peninsula, (a total recorded flight distance of 208km and counting…) where she remains at the time of writing.

These really are awe-inspiring creatures. Their wanderlust and curious spirit hold hope for us today. We know that someday soon, we’ll rejoin them in the wild and wander in wonder once again.

Golden Eagle Flight 28 - 30 March 20.jpeg